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What Does the Bible Say About Fundraising in the Church?

What Does the Bible Say About Fundraising in the Church?

Fundraising in the church is a practical task rooted in Biblical teachings. From stewardship to generosity, Scripture provides guidance on raising funds for church missions and community needs. This guide explores key Biblical principles and practical strategies to enhance your church’s fundraising efforts.

By combining faith-based values with donation software, you can streamline giving and increase donations while strengthening your church’s mission. Let’s explore how Biblical wisdom and today’s technology can help you build a successful, God-centered fundraising plan.

Ready to simplify your church’s giving process? Discover how DoJiggy’s church donation software can help you boost donations and simplify management.

Biblical Principles of Fundraising

The Bible discusses important biblical principles such as stewardship and generosity that set the tone for church fundraising initiatives.


At the heart of Biblical fundraising is the principle of stewardship, which emphasizes responsible management of the resources God has entrusted to his children. The Scripture teaches that everything on earth belongs to God (Psalm 24:1), and believers are caretakers of these resources. This stewardship extends to all church activities, including fundraising.

Importance of generosity


The Bible frequently addresses the importance of generosity. For example, 2 Corinthians 9:7 encourages believers to give cheerfully, not out of obligation. This principle not only applies to individual giving but also to collective efforts like church fundraising, where the joy and willingness to give should be emphasized to encourage generosity.

Community and Unity

Acts 2:44-45 depicts the early Christians sharing everything they had, supporting one another as needs arose. This sense of community and mutual support is vital in church fundraising, emphasizing that the efforts are for the common good and that everyone plays a part.

Trust in God's Provision

Trust in God’s Provision

Philippians 4:19 assures that God will provide for His people’s needs, which can help alleviate the anxiety sometimes associated with financial contributions and fundraising targets. Trusting in God’s provision encourages a reliance on the divine rather than solely human efforts.

The Role of Leadership in Church Fundraising

Leadership plays a crucial role in guiding successful church fundraising efforts. Pastors and ministry teams set the tone for generosity and stewardship within the congregation. With strong church leaders, churches can enhance their fundraising efforts and strengthen their mission.

Here are some key ways leadership can positively influence fundraising in the church:

Inspiring by Example

Church leaders can encourage generosity by leading through action. When pastors and leaders actively contribute and discuss their giving, it inspires the congregation to follow suit, showing that everyone participates in supporting the church’s mission regardless of position.

Clear Communication of Goals

Clear Communication of Goals

Effective fundraising requires clear communication. Church leaders can explain the purpose of fundraising—whether it’s for a specific project or operational needs—so the congregation understands how their contributions make a difference. This helps align fundraising with Biblical principles and church goals.

Building Trust and Accountability

Trust is essential in fundraising. Leaders can build this by being transparent about how funds are used, providing regular updates, and ensuring financial accountability. Using tools like DoJiggy’s donation platform, church leaders can manage and track donations efficiently, increasing transparency and making the giving process easier.

Encouraging Spiritual Reflection

Church leaders can help the congregation see giving as a spiritual act rooted in faith. By incorporating scripture and prayer, they can emphasize the importance of generosity as a form of worship.

Encouraging Spiritual Reflection

Practical Strategies for Church Fundraising

Developing a Clear Plan

Successful church fundraising starts with a well-defined plan that outlines the goals, methods, and timeline for fundraising activities. Engaging the community early and clearly communicating the purpose and benefits of the fundraiser can foster greater participation and enthusiasm.

Read “Write a Successful Fundraising Plan “ to learn how to create an effective fundraising plan and access free templates to guide your organization to success.

Leveraging Technology

Modern technology offers powerful tools for enhancing fundraising efforts. DoJiggy’s platform can facilitate tithing, manage events, and broaden your fundraising reach beyond the local community.

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Integrating Biblical Teachings

Using scripture and prayer during fundraising events can help align your campaign with Biblical teachings and enhance the spiritual significance of the fundraising efforts. This can be particularly impactful in church settings.

Engaging the Congregation and Volunteers in Fundraising

A successful church fundraising campaign depends on strong leadership and active participation from the congregation. Engaging the church community helps build a sense of ownership and commitment to the cause, ensuring that fundraising efforts are inclusive and widely supported.

Encouraging Congregational Involvement

Church members should be invited to participate in fundraising activities, whether attending events or being part of the planning committee. By involving diverse members, the church can tap into the community’s unique talents and reach more potential donors.

Creating a Culture of Volunteerism

Creating a Culture of Volunteerism

Volunteers are essential to successful church fundraising. Church leaders can foster a culture of giving beyond financial contributions by promoting volunteer opportunities and recognizing their efforts. Volunteers can assist with managing events, promoting campaigns, and organizing outreach efforts, all while strengthening relationships within the congregation.

Empowering Young Members

Engaging younger congregation members can bring fresh perspectives and energy to your fundraising initiatives. So, inspire the next generation by giving them leadership opportunities and responsibilities in your youth group fundraisers. Let’s see what they can do!


Biblical teachings provide a rich foundation for church fundraising, emphasizing core values like stewardship, generosity, community, and trust in God. By integrating these principles with effective fundraising strategies and modern technologies, churches can meet their financial goals, strengthen their communities, and deepen their members’ faith.

Lisa Bennett

About Lisa Bennett

Lisa is the Sales Director at DoJiggy. She joined DoJiggy in 2006 and loves her job. Prior to working with DoJiggy, she worked at several non-profits and managed special event fundraising.

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